
News and updates on Mobile Health's employee screening and occupational health

Their ability to schedule and monitor our candidates' appointments makes our lives and jobs so much easier on so many levels.
—Mobile Health Client
doctor's visit

Flu Season Staffing Strategy?

Do you have a flu season staffing strategy and contingency plan? Any illness during the year, particularly the flu, can greatly impact employee attendance. Flu Season has arrived, and while on-site vaccination clinics and Flu Shot Programs can help prevent the flu, your workplace must prepare to han[Read more]
PPD shortage

CDC ALERT!!! Nationwide PPD shortage

On June 19th 2019, The New York State Department of Health (DOH) issued a PPD shortage advisory.  The advisory indicated a shortage of purified protein derivative (PPD) solution for tuberculin skin testing, in response to an anticipated three- to 10-month Aplisol® shortage. DOH temporarily recomme[Read more]
measles virus

Measles Virus Still Prominent – 2019

Posted April 22, 2019 in Uncategorized
The measles virus remains prominent in New York. According to the NYS Department of Health, ”the outbreak remains a serious public health concern.” The DOH has issued interim guidance to all healthcare providers and employers in their most recent letter (read the letter here). Citing [Read more]
measles virus


Posted November 7, 2018 in Uncategorized
MEASLES EXPOSURES IN NEW YORK STATE: Rockland County, September 28 – October 1, 2018 Book an MMR Vaccine Today Measles remains a common disease in many parts of the world and is introduced into the United States through frequent international travel[Read more]
measles virus

Mobile Health Queens Location

Posted November 5, 2018 in Uncategorized
Mobile Health Queens location (97-77 Queens Blvd, Rego Park, NY 11374) will be closed the day after Thanksgiving (11/23/2018). There will be no change in hours to the other Mobile Health locations.[Read more]
medical assistant

Mobile Health Road Map to Employee Health

Posted June 6, 2017 in Client News & Updates
Mobile Health prides itself on being an expert in occupational health for 35+ years and with thousands of locations nationwide. Mobile Health provides employers with quality, innovative, and cost effective medical services to get staff to work quickly and efficiently. We also want patients to have a[Read more]
PPD shortage

Tuberculosis Testing Resources

Posted March 24, 2017 in Uncategorized
Tuberculosis testing ensures a tuberculosis-free staff, which protects workers and the vulnerable populations they serve. Various testing options exist, as well as important safety precautions in the event of an outbreak. Below you’ll find some tuberculosis testing resources to help you promote TB[Read more]
tuberculosis chest X-ray

Tuberculosis Chest X-Ray

Posted March 9, 2017 in Health & Wellness
The contagious disease of tuberculosis not only attacks the lungs but also can affect other organs such as the kidney, spine and brain. In certain cases, a patient may need a tuberculosis chest X-ray to confirm this diagnosis. Two common tests determine the presence of tuberculin bacteria: PPD skin [Read more]
teachers tuberculosis

Stopping TB In The Classroom

Posted March 9, 2017 in Health & Wellness
Even though tuberculosis cases continue to drop in the United States, the disease remains a threat in foreign countries.  More than one-third of TB cases in the United States come from foreign born individuals. Because exposure from New York City tourists and foreign residents raises the risk of in[Read more]
PPD vs QuantiFERON

PPD Test Vs. QuantiFERON

Posted March 9, 2017 in Health & Wellness
A job candidate needs a tuberculosis test, but which test do they choose — PPD test or QuantiFERON? When choosing a tuberculosis test, a patient must consider many factors, including cost, efficiency and availability. Additionally, medical terms and acronyms associated with tuberculosis may co[Read more]