23 Build Immunity & A Better Agency - Page 3 of 3 - Mobile Health

Build Immunity & A Better Agency

Chapter 4 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

I had no problems. Mobile Health was very courteous and organized.
—Mobile Health Patient


How do I prove immunity to communicable diseases?

Common viruses your employees must be immune to include: measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and influenza. Start by checking with your compliance department to better understand all the immunization requirements based on your organization’s location and industry standards.

An employee’s immunization history can be found in their proof of immunity documents, which include any past vaccinations or blood titers. If there is missing documentation, it is suggested that a titer be performed to determine the count of antibodies present in the blood draw.

The number of antibodies counted will determine if the person is immune to a specific antigen (virus). If the antibody count is below a certain number, they are not immune and are at risk for contracting and spreading the disease.

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If the titers show a lack of immunity, then a vaccine is necessary to create immunity and stay compliant with regulations. Some vaccines are available in specific combinations that could be administered together. These include:

  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella)
  • TDaP (tetanus , diphtheria, pertussis)
  • Td (tetanus , diphtheria)

Both up-to-date vaccinations and titers are acceptable as proof of immunity for most regulatory organizations.
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My home care worker says she was vaccinated but doesn’t have documentation. Can I just trust her?

If you are a healthcare agency  chances are you are required to keep records of your employees’ proof of immunity against certain communicable diseases. This requirement is generally mandated by local Department of Health agencies and accreditation organizations.
The dangers of not having a properly vaccinated workforce include fines for noncompliance, loss of accreditation, and most severely, the spread of highly contagious illnesses. These compliance requirements are in place to protect vulnerable populations such as the elderly, sick, and those with autoimmune deficiencies.

Benefits of Vaccinations and Titers:

  • Reduce risks of exposing patients to potentially dangerous illnesses
  • Limit interruptions by keeping home care workers healthy and working
  • Complete another building block to streamlining your onboarding process
  • Be the change you want to see in the home care industry

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