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My visit was fast and orderly. The staff was friendly and professional.
—Mobile Health Patient

The Flu and Pregnancy

Posted October 2, 2014

While some expectant mothers may believe that they should steer clear of the flu shot, the fact is that they are among the groups that are especially encouraged to get it. The reasons for this recommendation, put forth by the CDC, relate to the changes in a pregnant woman’s body that make it easier for[Read the Rest]

Flu Symptoms

Flu Signs, Symptoms and Simple Ways to Stay Healthy

Posted August 29, 2014

The flu can be a serious disease, but how can you be sure that you’re not just dealing with the common cold? Here are some differences between the two diseases, and a closer look at the signs of a flu infection. While influenza is often confused for the common cold, the flu can result in[Read the Rest]


Are BPA-Free Products Safe?

Posted August 29, 2014

Take a trip down the plastic storage or water bottle aisle in your local grocery store and you’re likely to encounter the increasingly-common “BPA-free” promise. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that has been used in the creation of plastics since the 1950’s, but a wave of recent research is revealing that there is good[Read the Rest]

How to Stay Awake at Work Without Caffeine

Posted July 31, 2014

Staying awake at work can be a real challenge when you’re bored, exhausted, or sleep-deprived. But before you reach for that can of Red Bull, bottle of Mountain Dew, or pot of coffee, try these healthy remedies to stimulate your senses and keep you alert. SIGHT – VISUAL STIMULATION 1. Maximize your exposure to light. Your[Read the Rest]

Background Check Laws

10 States Lack Laws for Home Health Care Background Checks

Posted July 31, 2014

As the home health care industry continues to grow at an impressive pace, in part due to the influx of baby boomers entering retirement, there is an increasing need for regulation when it comes to hiring home health care workers. Currently there is no federal law that requires home health agencies (HHA’s) to conduct background[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot FAQ

Posted July 14, 2014

Q: Why should I get the flu vaccine? A: Flu vaccination can: keep you from getting sick from the flu protect people around you who may be more vulnerable to serious flu illness reduce the risk of more serious flu outcomes, like hospitalizations and deaths Flu vaccination has been associated with lower rates of some[Read the Rest]

Who Should Get A Flu Shot?

Who Should Get A Flu Shot?

Posted July 1, 2014

As the next flu season approaches, it’s important to know who should get vaccinated against influenza. The flu can be deadly, especially to those with certain health conditions that put them at risk for severe complications. Since 2002, pneumonia and influenza have been the third-leading cause of death among New York City residents. The following[Read the Rest]

Michael Scott of the Office

Boss asked employee to clip her dog’s nails?

Posted June 24, 2014

Being the boss certainly has its perks and benefits, but some requests may raise a few eyebrows. CareerBuilder published a great list of amazing and unbelievable questions bosses asked their employees at one point. A good relationship with your boss is important, but maybe you can pass on the stitches part: 1)      Boss asked employee[Read the Rest]

Discreet drinking in the workplace

Powder Alcohol: New Risk of Employee Alcohol Abuse

Posted April 29, 2014

Palcohol may be an employer’s new worst nightmare; right alongside edible marijuana. Palcohol is a new product that sells alcohol in a powdered form at 12% alcohol by volume. This powder can then be added to a liquid or food for consumption, or as discouraged on their website: snorted. Although not currently approved for sale[Read the Rest]

Call me Maybe Waverley Mansion

Waverley Mansion’s Call Me Maybe

Posted January 29, 2014

For those who doubt happiness and excitement in their senior years, hope this video helps prove otherwise. Congratulations to The Waverley, an Ontarian nursing home, whose lives up to their tagline “It’s all about living” with this great video. The nursing home is part of Diversicare, a provider of long-term care, residential car, and senior’s[Read the Rest]