Browsing:"Mobile Health Advantage"

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They are excellent at moving procedures along and really push their labs and external services to expedite samples or specimens in order to provide the quickest possible result.
—Mobile Health Client
HIPAA Compliance and The Cloud

HIPAA Compliance and the Cloud

Posted May 29, 2014

The recent widespread adoption of cloud computing has raised questions about the security of medical records. Employers partnering with Mobile Health can rest assured that the Online Client Portal keeps records safe. Because your organization can count on detailed control over permissions and access to the Client Portal, you can assign exactly who gets to review and see sensitive medical records.

Corporate Wellness

Mobile Health Technology Testimonials

Posted January 14, 2013

In the winter of 2012, Mobile Health surveyed its 300+ clients and found that many of them loved the value that they were getting. Reasons why ranged from enthusiasm about the time they save to the ease of use. But one thing many of them came back to was how much they loved the Client Portal.
