Rapid COVID-19 Testing

More options, faster results for your employee screening

The technicians were SUPERB. They were pleasant, yet professional. Thanks!
—Mobile Health Patient

COVID-19 Screening and Testing Services

As shelter-in-place rules ease, business reopening plans aim to prioritize employee health and safety. To support Return to Work initiatives, Mobile Health has developed a suite of COVID-19 screening and testing services.

Leveraging 35 years of success in pre-screening employees and candidates for infectious diseases, Mobile Health has the expertise, experience, and technology to administer these COVID-19 services at all NYC clinics and 2,700+partner-providers nationwide.

For large-scale onsite COVID-19 corporate re-entry programs,  we offer a customizable program that may include online health questionnaires, temperature screenings, and COVID-19 testing. This program addresses key employer concerns regarding Return to Work protocols and re-entry of employees to the workplace.


Online Questionnaire

The online questionnaire (also referred to as a health assessment) plays a critical role in many Return to Work programs. 

To facilitate health screenings before employees arrive at a workplace, Mobile Health designed a robust, web-based application.  The easy and intuitive application expedites the employee COVID-19 health assessment through a simple online questionnaire.

Depending on the industry and state requirements, employees may complete the COVID-19 health assessment on an established schedule (daily, weekly, or other frequency). Find Out More


Temperature Screening

Mobile Health has a complete protocol for setting up, staffing and managing on-site temperature screenings

From thermometers to our own personal protective equipment (PPE), Mobile Health brings everything necessary to screen and test your employees at your job site or office. Your employees simply show up to be screened. We manage temperature screening and COVID-19 testing on-site so that work continues, and your business remains compliant and profitable. Find Out More


COVID-19 Testing

As a trusted provider of employee health screening services, Mobile Health can help you navigate the COVID-19 testing differences.

Mobile Health offers the PCR nasal swab as well as Point of Care (POC) COVID-19 testing.  Coupling the temperature screening program with the appropriate testing ensures immediate testing of employees for COVID-19.  This provides employers with valuable information they need to properly respond.  Find Out More