Newsletter #1

The technicians were SUPERB. They were pleasant, yet professional. Thanks!
—Mobile Health Patient

Healthcare for the uninsured

Is your staff uninsured? Mobile Health’s primary care membership plan (PCAMP) provides all their basic medical needs at an affordable rate. Plans allow for employees to pay their entire membership, or for you to help subsidize the cost. Plans start as low as $24.75/month when subscribing for a year. Click here to learn more.

Healthy workplace news & tips

We all know that compact fluorescent bulbs are more efficient than incandescent bulbs “but the shift to energy-saving fluorescents, which contain mercury, calls for more attention to workers who handle, dispose of, and recycle used fluorescent bulbs.” Learn how to properly dispose of your florescent light bulbs. Click here to learn more.

Sitting in front of a computer screen does not cause eye damage. But fatigue, dry eyes, bad lighting, and how you sit at your computer may cause eyestrain. Protect your eyes with easy tips you can do today. Mobile Health’s website has a few ideas from the Prevent Blindness America organization. Click here to read more.

No-cost flu vaccines to our clients

Mobile Health is offering all our clients access to our flu vaccine voucher program. Your insured employees can come into any of our 6 locations for a free flu shot. Employees without insurance only pay $24 – a cost that may be subsidized by your business. Vouchers and vaccine supplies are limited so contact us today to sign-up. Click here to sign up.

Personal healthy tips & advice

It is recommended that every adult and child receive an annual wellness physical regardless of how healthy they might feel. These preventive screenings are a good time to discuss any concerns with your doctor, and to discuss health topics related to your age, gender, and family history. Mobile Health’s PCAMP includes wellness visits. Click here to learn more.

Hepatitis C is a curable disease that over 5 million Americans have, but only 25% know about their condition. Hepatitis C has no symptoms, but may cause liver damage or liver cancer. It is most prevalent in the “baby boomers”, but anyone is susceptible who have tattoos, used intravenous drugs, or who work in a healthcare setting. A simple test can save your life. Click here to read more.

Everyday wellness

An active lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. Mobile Health is partnering with to offer a quick quiz that instantly provides physical activity tips and recommendations online. Visit our website to learn new ways to be more active. Click here to take the quiz.