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Their administrative services go above and beyond and are always quick to respond to any request or issue that may arise.
—Mobile Health Client
digital medical records

Mobile Health Advantage: Electronic Medical Records

Posted September 19, 2016

As part of the Mobile Health Advantage, we provide all of your records in digital format via our Online Client Portal. Technological benefits at Mobile Health are smart, easy, and convenient. Below you’ll find out more about the ways Electronic Medical Records can help your organization. Results Get Delivered Instantly Online After the Exam Closes[Read the Rest]

digital medical records

3 Advantages of Digital Medical Records

Posted May 10, 2016

Electronic Medical Records make everything easier and faster for any company that needs to manage the paperwork coming from medical clearance exams. Mobile Health’s electronic medical records are easier to store, more convenient to access and more secure than paper records. Best of all, paper records are available faster.

HIPAA Compliance and The Cloud

HIPAA Compliance and the Cloud

Posted May 29, 2014

The recent widespread adoption of cloud computing has raised questions about the security of medical records. Employers partnering with Mobile Health can rest assured that the Online Client Portal keeps records safe. Because your organization can count on detailed control over permissions and access to the Client Portal, you can assign exactly who gets to review and see sensitive medical records.