23 What's A Quanti Got To Do With It? - Page 4 of 4 - Mobile Health

What’s A Quanti Got To Do With It?

Chapter 2 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

Everything was done efficiently and professionally, and the staff was friendly and pleasant.
—Mobile Health Patient

Which test can help grow my agency?

As the owner you constantly have the hard decision of determining which to sacrifice: service or profitability? Which is more important? It’s like the chicken and the egg. Most home care agency owners get hung up in this tic for tac game: what can I sacrifice so that I can save more money? But, you have a different mindset.


You know that being the best and delivering the best care means thinking differently than everyone else.

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So when other mediocre agency owners ask themselves “what can I sacrifice?” and put themselves in a position of loss you automatically think “ what can I invest in?” and plant yourself as a leader among the pack.

Investments -especially those that come with a return on investment (ROI)- can lead to a huge growth financially but also contribute to piecing together the larger vision you may have for your agency.

When deciding which TB test is best for you start by reframing your decision within your larger goal: Is it worth it to save in the short term or fill cases faster? Which is going to help you get to where you want to be as an agency owner?[edsanimate_end]

Though spending a bit more for QuantiFERON test might seem like a loss in the short term taking into account the time (on average 4 days) and money saved it can quickly look like a smart investment for the future minded agency owner.

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